Thursday, July 8, 2010

Solo Sister

Top Ten Reasons Why Being Hermana Winfield ROCKS:

1. Everytime we start class, aka multiple times a day, we sing a song and for some reason all the elders in my district are pro singers. Basically the moral of this story is that I have never sung worse in my life than I do now and yes, it is embarrassing.

2. I have the opportunity to make myself look stupid multiple times a day. For example, on Sunday Elder Hilton accidently said that I looked pretty that day when he actually meant to say the day was pretty, not me. I awkwardly thanked him and then he and I both realized what he had meant to say. It was a lot more awkward in real life, I promise. So akward that I had to leave the room and die over it in the bathroom for approximately 3 and half minutes.

3. I got a package from the Braytons! Can I get a WOOT WOOT!!! Wow Mom as I'm assuming you are currently with them at the reunion, please give them all a HUGE hug for me (and Eric, my spanish letter to you is going to blow your mind.....prepare yourself accordingly). The cupcake pretty much made me the coolest sister on the floor.

4. I enjoy spending my personal time picking out husbands for my sisters. I am happy to report that the search is going quite well and Bethany should be receiving 2 letters this week (I will explain the candidates in greater detail in a letter).

5. I also love to use Spanish words in the incorrect form. For example, enfermo means "sick or ill". However, I like to use it as "cool or completely awesome". I would challenge all of you to add enfermo to your vocabulary.

6. The 4th July here was honestly one of the most memorable I've had. And not in an amazing way per se.........let me just suffice it to say that we concluded a LONG and weird patriotic music/acting performance with the MTC president dressed up as Moroni. Yeah, enough said.

7. Sometimes my elders try and comfort me because I'm a solo sister. For example, the other day one of my Elders said to me at lunch "so, what do sisters normally talk about at lunch?" and said we could talk about whatever I wanted. So did we talk about knee-highs and makeup for 15 minutes? Yes. I loved it.

8. At the MTC they like to keep you constantly on your toes but sending conflicting messages. At devotional on Sunday, a older woman explained how 2 people in their mission ended up marrying each other and how it was so cute. 4 hours later, in a meeting with our branch pres for sisters only, our president asked us to raise our hand if we currently had an elder in love with us. Thankfully everything is okay but he went on to explain how horrible it is when people marry someone from their mission. After much lengthy internal debate, I stand firm with my opinon that I will NOT marry anyone I come in contact with on my mission. That is my offical political stance on the matter.

9. I LOVE everyone that writes me. For example, I have the best mother ever and I now know for a fact that I am her favorite. I also know that I am Bethany's favorite.....and I will be responding to her letters today. And everyone else that writes me (Aunt Di, Gma, Anna, etc) are also la

10. The gospel seriously makes everything in life worth it. I received a blessing yesterday from my 2 elders that I have companion study with and I felt the love Heavenly Father has for me so strong. I feel like I'm really starting to understand who I was before I came to this earth and how much Heavenly Father loves me. I know that He has a plan for me individually and I love being able to wake up every day and live that plan!

LOVE you all!

Love the mish. Be the mish.

Hermana Winfield

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