Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Change in the MTC

In last week's episode of 24--starring the beautiful yet daring Agent Winfield-- Sister Winfield was undercover as a Mormon missionary and was enjoying her fun, predictable life. Little did she know everything was about to change.......

Hello everyone! This last week and a half has been super crazy because:

1. I ripped my nylons. Yes, I was upset, and yes I have ripped three more pairs since that first bad experience.

2. I was called as the Coordinating Sister for my zone (aka Relief Society Pres). But on the bright side, I don't have that calling anymore because.....

3. I moved zones, hence no emailing last Friday. My new p-day is on Tuesdays. Sorry Mom for the long wait! Last Wednesday someone came into my classroom and had me go with them to another building and talk to this native speaker in Spanish. Was I confused? yes. Did I think I might be killed? Only slightly. Afterwards, instead of being shot, I was told that they were moving me to an intermediate class (didn't even know that existed). So I had to leave right then and take everything with me......and become a SOLO SISTER! Ah! It feels super weird to not have a companion but sometimes it's fun to have my own time. The Elders in my district are super nice and helpful. Now don't go thinking I'm smart or anything because I'm pretty sure im the stupidest one in my class considering most are fluent. We speak only spanish in class and pretty much all day and it's super hard but I know the Lord wants me to do it so i haven't run back to my old district quite yet. The roommates I have now.......2 are natives and the other 2 are fluent. It's been super interesting :) This district is also a LOT stricter than my old district so apparently the Lord thinks I was slacking off lol. Apparently almost all classes at the MTC are beginning and they have a few intermediate and advanced. Advanced is for natives only.

4. I met 2 missionairies going to Kennewick so if they tell you they know me then feed them well Mom :)

5. I have crazy dreams every night. Cada noche no joke. They're creepy and I wish they would stop. Also if everyone would please start saying "hota-ka" I would greatly appreciate it. It's how you say j and k in espanol aka jk. Me encanta.

6. We had mission president conference this last week and everyone was shaking apostoles hands all week. Unfortunately the universe hates me and I did not meet a single apostle. BUT Elder Oaks did speak to us on Friday night and 8 other apostoles were there so that was muy bien.

7. I LOVE the planning period I get everyday because it get to plan out every minute of my day........that was not sarcastic and I really hope all my companions share my love for planning.

8. After devotional on Sunday we were the first to see The District 2. What is it you may ask? Only the best missionary show ever. It's kinda a big deal. The District 1 might be on the internet.....you should try to find it.....I'm not sure if they release it to the public or not. It's like a reality tv show about missionary work and we get a little addicted. We laugh, we cry, we're on the edge of our seats. The 2 fluent speakers in my room are serving in the mission in Cali where it's filmed and their goal is to be in the District 3.

9. I HATE writing. I've learned that about myself as a missionary so if you get a letter from me, please know it took multiple prayers for me to get through it. I just don't like it, I don't know why. But just as much as I hate writing I LOVE getting letters so keep em coming. Mom, I would like a dear elder letter every day im in the mtc--gracias.

10. Because of the crazy turn of events with the Lord pushing me to a new standard, my personal mission theme kind of chose me and it's now "God my strength will be, press forward!" Of course I still hold Love the mish be the mish close to my heart but the first is now what i say to myself cada dia.

11. Special bonus point for this week. One of the hermanas in my room today said "its a good thing im not going to cut my hair the whole 18 months because then it will be long when I go home and get married asap". No she doesn't have a bf and she was joking (about marriage, not the hair) but I agree with her 100%. Being solo after having a companion made me realize I want to get married as SOON as I get home. Of course, after I find one :)

I LOVE you all and thanks so much for writing---la iglesia es verdadera!

Love the mish, be the mish

Hermana Winfield


  1. Sis. Winfield- Is it ok for me to e-mail Sis. Rachel? Or is that address just for family?

  2. Talia, email me at jmwinfield@msn.com and I'll give you the scoop!
