Sunday, June 20, 2010

I made it to the MTC!

Hola familia!

Can I get a woot woot!?!

Top 10 Reasons The MTC ROCKS:
1. People are super duper helpful. The fam already knows this story but I have been requested to retell it so I will do so briefly. Long story short my plane was cancelled, then rescheduled, then delayed for 5 hours. Then on the plane a man hit on me and I had to awkwardly explain that I couldn't date. Then we couldn't get clearence to land so we had to cricle around in the air for an extra 45 minutes. Of course, right next to the guy that has a deep and unmoving love for me, I puked up not one but three times as we were making our desent. Embarrassing? Si. Awkward? Si. I guess I was so disgusting that it was disturbing others because they were all handing me their barf bags. Wow. And then my lost love just smiled and said "feeling better?". Good thing I couldn't date him anyway. Then I got off the plane and waited an hour to realize they had lost my luggage. Of course, I was on a new missionary high so I kept my cool until I finally left the airport empty handed to meet Aunt Janene. Being the awesome aunt that she is, I immediately started bawling. I was hours late to the MTC but thankfully an hermana let me borrow some clothes the next day until my luggage came and mi companera let me borrow her makeup etc.

2. The food is amazing. Amen. The church is true. Just to make you jealous, I've been having fresh fruit and bagels or oatmeal every morning, wraps, salads etc for lunch, and salmon, potatoes and all goodness for dinner. And those are just the healthy things.....lets just say los elderes in my district are having the time of their life with the food.

3. Gym time = heaven. I got into a really competitive game of 4 square yesterday at gym (which we get 50 minutes of 5 days a week Mom fyi :) I also played volleyball and I'm not gonna lie, I kicked bum....that's the most vulgar way I can say it from now on lol (grandma, laugh out loud now).

4. Manners. The Elders have them. It's amazing. They randomly started clearing our trays for us at every meal and I can honestly say I've never loved a 19 year old boy more. We thank them by complimenting their Spanish and telling them their girlfriends might actually wait for them (lies but it must be done).

5. Funny Companions. My companion is Hermana Call. She's from Highland, Utah, an English major at BYU and has a super cute fam as I've seen from pictures. (Girls, FYI you are pretty famous as the attractive siblings here). She also happens to be HILARIOUS. We tried to send pictures here but we can't so I'll mail some. Back to hermana. Yesterday I told her and the other 2 sisters in our district that El Salvador means the savior and said I never knew that. Sister Call responded with, "Oh is that in California or Texas?" HAHAHA Sister Schumacher (shoe-mocker) said "Uh, it's a country hermana." Wow that's just a glimpse.

6. Too much time. Apparently we were forgotten so yesterday we had no teachers for most of the day. What did that mean? 8 hours of personal study. If not for Hermana Call's back scratches, I wouldn't have made it.

7. Crazy outfits. Returned missionaries are lying. Girls dress CRAZY here and I could have gotten away with a lot more. Thankfully, I am not the ugliest dresser here but I am extremely conservative compared to a lot.

8. Layers. On the clothing topic, I feel like a little kid going out to play in the snow. Everytime I have to ir al bano it takes 20 minutes cause I wear so many layers. After my mission, I will wear sweats and jeans for 4 weeks straight, maybe 5. But I love my knee-highs :)

9. Schedule. I am not joking when I say we sleep, then study, then eat, then study, then eat, then study, then gym, then study, then eat, then study, then sleep. That is literally my schedule......I'm not kidding. I LOVE it!

10. La iglesia es verdadida! Even though my Spanish is still horrible, we pray and talk in Spanish and when those 19 year old boys pray in Spanish I feel the Spirit SO strong!

I LOVE being here! Yo se que mi salvador y Dios me aman y yo tengo gracias por my familia increible!

Love the mish. Be the mish.

Hermana Winfield


  1. Rach...not sure you will get this but just an FYI. YOU'RE COMPANION WAS ONE OF MY OLD GIRLFRIENDS FROM VANCOUVER!! She grew up in Vancouver until she was 12ish and then moved to Highland. OK...small world and it's getting smaller. I actually wondered if you two would know each other in the MTC since you went in together but NEVER thought you'd be companions. WEIRD!!! Love you lots!

  2. kyrstin, I'll send it on to her!
    that is a small world!

    Rachel's Mom!

  3. love the story "from the horse's mouth" :) Rachel makes me laugh. Glad she's kept her sense of humor through it all. I think these blog posts will be quite an interesting read:) You're doing great Marianne!!!!
