Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Crazy Week!

Top 14 Reasons why this week was so crazy I needed 14 reasons instead of the normal 10!

1. During LGM (large group meeting) we were doing mock lessons with the people sitting next to us. The "person" had been abused by his father for 15 years and had just run away from home a few years before and he didn't think there was a God. So we had 2 minutes to find a scripture for him specifically and then share it with our companion. Well I got chosen to go up in front of everyone and act it out with the teacher, teaching this huge group. I shared Alma's story of his sufferings with his son (great was my sorrow, but great was my joy ......) and I had to do it with a microphone. Crazy? Yes. Nervous beyond all belief? Yes. But afterward the teacher said "And THAT is why Sister missionaries baptize more than Elders. I seriously have goose bumps." Now obviously I wasn't good, it was totally the Spirit, but it was a crazy experience nontheless and taught me how important it is to teach with the Spirit.

2. The other day my friend got cinnamon rolls from her mom and they looked familiar. I said "oh they look like Sherrie rolls" (from a bakery in provo). And then she opened the letter and where were they from? Sherries! I felt a little dumb that I had such an extensive knowlegde of cinn rolls.

3. I have been sick. Fun? No. I have had the first real cough in my life. In the middle of July. In Utah. And I'm not talking any cough........I would dare to put it in the Brenna category. First time in my life. I had some other problems too.......stomach, headache, almost passing out, etc but thats not fun to talk about so next point!

4. Okay, I have arrived. This will be my one prideful point for the week. I rock at volleyball here. It seems my calling has also improved my athletic skills. I am the only girl allowed to play on the competive men's team. And 5 different elders asked if I'd played somewhere (as in college?) and they have all played competively and are super good. One day I didn't play and they all found me later that day and asked what was up. LOVE it. I have been let in the "no girls allowed" club.

5. I had a picnic with another district......yes, just me and this other district. We ate fruit and rice krispies and it was great........and a bunch of people walked by being super jealous. It's just one of the perks of being a solo sister I guess.

6. Starting tomorrow we will be speaking Spanish 24/7 and I mean that in all ways. NEVER am I allowed to speak English again while I'm here. Except for branch interviews. WOW. Start praying!

7. The other day my Elders made me sing Ye Elders of Israel with them. So that afternoon we sang As Sisters in Zion. Touche.

8. Wow best story of the week. Apparently a few nights ago there were all these cop cars outside the MTC because......drum roll please......there was a man dressed in head to toe camo with a rifle trying to get into the MTC and crawling around in the bushes. Unfortunately for him we're on the Lord's side so he stood no chance. Boo-yah!

9. The other night the 2 natives in my room were telling me how white I acted and I was tellling them how Latin they acted. Then it was 10:15 and that's quiet time and I said "Okay, shh everyone it's white time now". Of course I meant to say quiet so we were rolling on the floor laughing. So now we have white time with Hermana Blanca cada noche.

10. Jenny Oaks Baker came and played the violin for us and talked to us (Elder Oaks youngest daughter). She is one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen and I had second row seats and Elder Oaks just popped in to see her play. Aka I was 3 feet away from Elder Oaks. Feel free to be jealous.

11. After Sister Baker's performance on Sunday we saw the final installment of the District, EPISODE 3!!! I was laughing, I was crying, it was pure entertainment for all ages. Apparently there's a password in my mtc stuff to watch it online so look through my papers and check it out.

12. I forgot to mention I have 3 investigators in the RC (referral center). I just committed one to baptism this week........my first baptism in the mission! Yay! The rest are progressing quite nicely :)

13. The food is starting to kill me here........I may start doing fruit and water for every meal.

14. There was a rumor that nylons are no longer required in the MTC. Then that rumor became fact when my teacher told me she had been informed it was true during an all-teachers-meeting a day prior. But it has still not been publicly announced. Which means the old people don't really want us to stop wearing them......but we can. Right as I type I am bare legged, and it feel great.

Love you all so much and am eternally grateful for your support! EVERYONE read your scriptures and say your prayers!

Love the mish. Be the mish.

Hermana Winfield

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