Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sickly :(

Whew what a preparation day!

1. It was a crazy day yesterday because I was SUPER sick. I still am pretty sick but my branch pres told me I could email today so I'm sucking it up for 30 minutes for all of you :) I've had chills and fever like I haven't had for years. And apparently I have a sinus infection and there's something wrong with my stomach. And apparently I'm also extremely dehydrated. So I was in the sick bay all day yesterday. Party! But I only had to click out of this email once to run to the bathroom and throw up so far so we're doing pretty good :)

2. In the Referral Center it's really hard now because we have to do all our calls in spanish. So i've started pretending all the people I call are my future spouse and that's really spiced things up a bit. When Rodalfo didn't answer the other day i was a little sad. Who doesn't want a husband named Rodalfo?

3. Hermana Christensen always gets crazy and awesome things from her mom. The other day she got an apron that said her name and mission on it. We laughed for probably 15 minutes. Wow. Her mom also sent me a bookmark she made me, a necklace, and some money to buy food in the airport in a nice of her!!! (ps h chirstensen and livingston left yesterday........super sad)

4. My elders cease to amaze me. They make chuck norris jokes in spanish all day and it's pretty hilarious. For the girls that don't get this, it's like making Jack Bauer jokes.....cause he's so amazing. Anyway, they do it in spanish and about church things. For example, something like "chuck norris doesn't need personal study time cause he studies the book of mormon ALL day"......anyway, maybe it's funnier in real life but I laugh a lot.

5. The elders also like to try that egg cracking thing that we did once in seminary. You have a boiled egg and you try to crack it with one hand but not with your fingers. They made me try and its super hard......i couldnt do it. But most of them are exploding eggs all the it. They also have been trying to make me lift 250 lbs. with my arms......ahahahahahaha, thats never gonna happen. But they cheer me on anyway

6. We have a square floor fan in our room that never works and then we finally got a new one and it was a blessed day. But then one day we realized it wasn't working........because it wasn't our real fan! Another class of elders had stolen ours and replaced it with their broken one. So there's been an extreme battle going on and now whenever we leave the room we have to hid it. Wow.

7. I met an old man here that served in my mission 50 years ago and he was telling me all this cool stuff as he walking by pushing his wife in a wheelchair. It was awesome.

8. Since Elder Fagersten left, Elder Hilton is alone so he is in a trio with other elders. But when he left we joked that now he can be in a companionship with me. Haha good times. We pretty much are like bro and sis anyway.......I even sewed on a suit button for him yesterday while I was dying.

9. Cheryl!!!! Thank you so much for the package! I LOVED it! Everything was perfect and I love the almonds.....they're my energy booster! Sorry I didn't have time this week but I'll write you back next week!

10. Mom, I LOVE you! Thank you so much for the package! As soon as I'm done being sick, I'm going to love the skotcharoos. But in the meantime, my roommates are enjoying them :) Beth, LOVED your letter. you can bet I'll be replying next week.

Thanks all so much!

Thought for the day: "Don't serve time. Serve the Lord." Don't keep looking forward to some future time when you think you'll be happier......enjoy today!

Love the mish. Be the mish.

Hermana Winfield

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