Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WOW, feel the love!

Wow, this week I have been living on cloud nine! Of course that's like every week in the MTC but other amazing things have happened as well:

1. Mallory and Justin sent me a package! Holy cow, it confirmed my suspicions that I have the best friends ever! I opened the skittles asap.......bendice sus corazones. Enserio.......I love you both. THANK YOU!!!

2. I also got an email from Cait and of course she's as wonderful as ever. I am also happy that Maggie and Ben are now officially together on facebook (thanks mom). Maggie, if you don't write me asap there will be consequences.....I love you!

I also got an email from Ginger at LDSP........Ginger, wow, I'm a little sad I've been replaced so quickly, but I guess you can be nice to the new girl.......or maybe he'll be a man and he and Ginger will get married and they'll be rich and take me out on their yacht with them......just a thought. I am also glad that you've finally got my emails from Kathryn........and please give Kaly a hug for me ASAP......and ask her how Colton is doing......I've been praying for him! (and I am a lot cooler because of the scarf you bought me Kaly......muchas gracias)

Also, Alan, congrats on getting one kid sealed for eternity........only a few more to go :) Unfortunately for myself, I signed my ability to rebel away to my mother when I was 9 so that she would take me hottubing........so when I get married in the temple she won't even be surprised.....I have no choice. Tell them congrats for me and I'm excited for our mass family party in 2011! Woot woot!

3. This week Elder Simkins in my district, who is also going to my mission, was laughing at me while I was trying to hole punch index cards to use as flash cards. Being the strong man he thinks he is, he told me he'd do them all. Apparently he's too strong because he was trying to do too many at a time and bent the metal. So now I have a broken hole punch and no flash cards........that's what happens when you let 19 yr olds show off their "muscles"

4. We sang "We'll Bring the world his truth" at devotional sunday which was the first time singing that song and a primary song for that matter since I've been here. I thought of when we all sang that for grandma and grandpa's mission so of course I was bawling like the daughter of Mariann that I am. Good times.

5. That night we also saw the first vision movie. Everyone that has not seen it in the last 5 days needs to go watch it asap.......I'm serious, do it. Do it now. Anyway, I of course cried during that as well because HOLA, its the prophet Jospeh Smith and the restoration of the gospel! And I was thinking to myself that after the mvoie was over and the lights were turned back on that my elders were going to laugh at me for crying. But low and behold when the lights came on there was more than one set of red eyes. I didn't even tease them.

6. We had a health meeting yesterday to teach us how to not die on the mission. It was mostly teaching the Elders to not be stupid and to "not get feces on your hands" as the 70 yr old doctor bluntly told us. Wow. The MTC ceases to amaze me. Then he gave a talk for sisters only after the meeting and I could have done without that. Haahahaha his reasoning for everything "I know how it goes, sometimes women just have these things". Last time I checked he was a man......but the advice was still appreciated.....and hilarious.

7. Last week I got teased that I would speak this sunday because I'm the oldest sister here. But it didnt happen. So it WILL this sunday. It is not a prophecy, just a fact. Pray......a lot.

8. We went to the temple today......we do a 10am session and I can now say that because we had the last one today.....but Brenna, fate still has one more chance this sunday. We also ate in the temple cafeteria with the old people afterwards and it was pretty wild. People throwing oxygen tanks, canes flying in the air.....we know how to party!

9. Mom I am completely healthy and fine now. And I am leaving on an 8:30 am flight monday morning and getting in NYC at 3:30 their time I think. I WILL be calling you.......they told us we could most certainly call our families! And I even got permission to call B-Boo! So everyone get really excited.......I will be calling way early because I have to before the plane takes off at 8:30......but everyone can sleep afterward! And em, holy cow stop driving! Scary! I love you!

10. Brenna.......I wanted to pee my pants laughing from your dearelder. YOUR love is my drug. Oh my gosh I was dying. You have set the standard and now I expect a letter like that every week of my mission. I am serious......don't disappoint. EVERY week. LOVE YOU! I'll be calling you el lunes!

Love the mish. Be the mish.

Hermana Winfield

1 comment:

  1. this girl never ceases to amaze me with her sense of humor. Love it! Can't believe she's heading to NY already. Can't wait to hear how she gets along with the New Yorkers. They can be a little....different, but knowing Sister Winfield she'll have them eating from the palm of her hand:)
