Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Great Week!

Wow, amazing week!

But first off, GRANDMA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! You are my favorite person lately, I just LOVE your letters every week. I hope your birthday is amazing and I'm glad you partied it up on Sunday. Go out and eat a Burgerville milkshake or something for me!

Talia! Yay baby Lucille is here! Tell her I said hello and I love her of course! And give my cute little Lily a hug!

Mom, don't you EVER send an email to the mission office again! Oh my goodness! No, I did not receive it and now President probably thinks you're crazy......whew! I love you for trying, but next time just don't worry about it......it wasn't that important. But of course from my amazing mother I shouldn't have expected any less. Haha I almost peed my pants laughing when I read your email......emailing the mission.....you would. And sadly, I have not seen Fred again yet.

Okay enough of this, top ten!

1. This week I have included pictures, and we will first talk about my ghetto alarm clock situation. This week I got tired of the alarm clock falling off my bed every night and now some of the buttons don't even work so I went ghetto style and just taped it onto my bed frame. Unga was laughing at me.....but now I don't have any alarm clock problems so look who's lauughing now!

2. We had zone conference and President and the APs taught and it was amazing! We also had costco chicken bakes and it made me think of home lol. But yeah, zone conference was amazing and I asked President that if we were good at the end if we could watch a clip from District 2 about the law of chastity (word on the street is that it's hilarious). Anyway, President loves me so of course we watched it at the end and it was SO funny. They're teaching the guy the law of chastity and talking about Corianton and the Elder says, "So he broke the law of chastity. Yeah......he just..........broke it." Man we were rolling. Apparently the kid didn't understand because the next time they met with him he told them, "Yeah, I've really been trying to keep the law of chastity and I saw this friend of mine and normally I would have asked her out on a date but I tried really hard and I didn't even talk to her." AHAHAHA he thought you couldnt date. Good times.

3. I learned how to make tortillas this week......like legit homemade ones. And homemade enchiladas......prepare yourself accordingly fam.....it will change your life.

4. It's so sad because people here just don't go to church. They get upset by something that someone says and then they just stop going. For years. It seriously breaks my heart. And another thing is that sometimes commandments that are hard for some are easier for others. For example, we came downstairs to the Priesthood room yesterday after church to talk to the Elders and the Priesthood were all eating pizza......fresh pizza that the Primary had brought for the kids. What? How can you teach your children to keep the Sabbath day holy doing that!? Blew my mind in the beginning but now I'm just used to seeing it. But, everyone learns at different rates and all these people are trying SO hard. I love them all.

5. Well, the water is murky from the tap and I guess I didn't really realize it til the other day that I've been drinking that lol (laugh out loud Grandma). I usually just wait for it to all settle and then guzzle it down! Yum yum yum!

6. The train (aka metro) goes below ground like everyone thinks of when they think of NYC but it also goes above the streets. And the other day we were sitting on one of the above-the-street platforms waiting for the tren. And then the platform started to shake. No, nothing out of the usual. It shakes all the time. Just thought I would mention that the next big natural disaster here is going to kill the metro......it's barely making it as it is. So we just sway on the platform above the busy street. No big deal.

7. Best pick up line from this week: "God bless your mothers for giving birth to you, both of them." Unga and I got this on our way to an appointment after church yesterday. It's really nice to see some people still believe in God and motherhood. Thanks Mom for birthing me!

8. I gave a talk on Sunday. It was a little rough but a lady in the ward looked over my talk for me before and I was only missing a "few things"....aka my Spanish is horrible. Haha no biggie, people afterwards told me they understood what I was saying and that's all that matters. I talked on charity and used the talk "The great commandment".....I think that's what it's called in Enlgish. It's by Elder Wirthlin from 2007. Good stuff. Elder Burk spoke too and he was amazing.

9. The tornado. Wow, made me super happy. Prayers are answered! Mom, where were we? Muahah outside of course! We were with Elder Yancuba and Westover (english elders) walking to grab them some pizza (needy little boys) and seriously it came out of nowhere. One minute Westover says, "Wow look at the sky, it's super green. That's how the sky looks before a tornado." And the no joke about 30 seconds later it goes crazy outside! Rain, wind, you name it. We ran inside Alfie's pizza and on the tv in there was a tornado warning on the news and told everyone to get inside. But Unga will not be stopped by a tornado. So we walked to our next appointment. It stopped after a while but millions of trees were pulled out from their roots and cars were lifted off the ground, the metro and buses all stopped, and windows were shattered. But, the Lord's work went on!

10. The baptism. Dang I'm out of time but the baptism was AMAZING! The spirit was so strong and they're both doing great! I made cupcakes and but them on the cupcake holder I made (see picture). It was amazing. The church is true. Wow, everyone go read your scriptures right now!

Shout outs this week go to: Matt and Lee (I already mailed a reply letter this morning!), Maggie & Mal (I'll be writing both of you today), Uncle Don (tell everyone hello!), Grandma, Aunt Di, Dad, Mom!

Love the mish. Be the mish.

Hermana Winfield

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